Monday, January 26

loving me some Keurig

Have you seen these?

They are so cool and i WANT one, mainly a free one.
go to this blogsite and sign up for a free giveaway and then pray that little ole ME gets it for my 26th birthday on the 1st of Feb. EEEEk

while you are at it, sign up for SITs. Great BLOG!!!!!

and do we need to talk about how i am about to turn 26? It sounds so much more grown up...


Anita J. said...

26 freaked me out a little bit. 23, 26, 28...for some reason those years were worse than the 'milestone' years. I thought 30 would hurt but the worry was worse than the turning. I was actually fine on my 30th birthday. Hearing that whole "30 is the new 20" didn't hurt. The thirties are excellent. If I had any idea how great they would be, I would have anticipated them!

Anita J. said...

(so don't worry about 26--you don't sound old yet)

AmberW said...

I signed up for this too!
Goodluck to alllll of us!

Anonymous said...

We got a Tassimo for Christmas and it has rocked my world!! LOVE IT! Hope you win!!