Tuesday, January 19

laundry/blogging metaphor

You know how when you leave something for later, like the DOING the laundry or PUTTING UP the laundry, and you keep saying..."I'll do it tomorrow", and it piles up, and it gets bigger and taller and creeps all over the bedroom floor, whether clean or dirty, and instead of just doing it, you start to avoid it because it's so overwhelming that just the thought of carrying it to the laundry room is enough for you to put it off another day? "I'll do it this weekend when i really have time at home to do that and clean house and organize" you tell yourself, but then the weekend hits and you would rather slam your head in the wall than TRULY accomplishing it, AND then you realize that you are talking to yourself. (wait, is this metaphor for blogging or actually doing laundry? not sure anymore...)
Well, that was me with the blog. SO much has happened and as the days went by, the thought of sitting down to catch you up to speed seemed like such a big task, that I kept saving it for another day. I still feel like that actually...AND i have laundry to do...LOTS of it, but you know how it goes. I really will get to laundry later since i am home now on an ice/snow day. uh, huh...thats what i always say...
So here is my pledge to you: i promise to be better. IN FACT, i have quite a few things to put up today so stay tuned: recipes, baby pictures, family, teething, snow, NKOTB, windows, etc.

1 comment:

Ouijigirl said...

"IN FACT, i have quite a few things to put up today so stay tuned: recipes, baby pictures, family, teething, snow, NKOTB, windows, etc."

hence no laundry today either :)