Wednesday, October 21

so this is how it went (finally finished)

IMG_6602_2, originally uploaded by jenna_cox.

it was 12:45am and i woke up from a good sleep. i decided to go to bed about 10:30 that night and i woke up, of course, having to go to the bathroom. At 39 weeks pregnant, this was nothing new. So like any normal step in the process, I awkwardly rise myself from bed and stand up. As soon as i stand up, it felt like i had peed on myself. Instantly, my hands go between my legs. Had i let myself go in the last week of my pregnancy or had my water broken?

Nervously and quickly i make my way to the bathroom. I sit down and remember the words that my friend Heather has spoken to me just two days prior. "When my water broke" she said, "it wasn't a big gush like people make you believe it would be like. Mine was a steady trickle." I pee, stand up and instantly have to sit back down to pee again. This happens three times when i say, "Matt! Uh, i think my water just broke..."

"No way...Are you sure? How do you know? We are still a week from the due date." he said. Yea, babies have a way of deciding things on their own.

"Well, i have either continually peed on myself or my water broke. It wont stop." I said.

"Call the hospital and see what they say" he says, still somewhat asleep. (How can he sleep thru this?)

"Uh, yea, are you? Good? That's Great... Ummm, i think my water broke, but i don't know. You see, I've never had my water broken before...mainly because this is my first baby but uh, how do i know?...Yes, there is it doesn't smell...yes it wont it isn't pee...Yes it does feel like i have wet myself. OK, thanks. You've been a big help." (?!?!)

The nurse on the phone said if this continues to happen for the next 15-20 minutes, go ahead and come on in. We will deliver within 24 hours...

"Matt, you need to pack a bag"

Remember how he wasn't so much awake before? He jumped out of bed at this moment. "Really? Ohmigosh...What do i pack? Are we going to make it? Do you need anything? Ohmigosh...Really? Are you sure?

Clearly i am not sure. Haven't we been over the fact that i have never had a broken water before? No one listens to me... ;)

So we pack the car, turn around because we forgot our camera (of course we would), get on the road and head to downtown Nashville to Baptist Hospital. The drive there was surprisingly calm.

Once we got to the hospital, we had to check in. (What is the point of pre-registering if it takes an hour to get checked in anyway?!) After that process, they took me to a room to make sure my water did in fact break. I prayed the whole time "PLEASE DON'T be PEE! Don't send me home!!" And YAY! She said the words i had longed to hear: 'You were right! It's time to get that baby out!' Praise the Lord! Do i hear a hallelujah chorus in the background?

So, abbreviated version of the next 12 hours: hooked up to monitors, check me and I'm only at 1cm and fall asleep for 2 hours. wake up, they give me pitocin, crazy intense contractions for 2 hours. Check me again and I'm only at 2cm! EEK! Wait a little longer, get epidural (which was AMAZING by the way and getting it wasn't bad either), hour and a half later, I'm at 5cm, I'm hanging out, texting, emailing, keeping everyone in the know, hour and half later, I'm at 9cm, 30 minutes later, I'm at 10cm. They said "If you feel pressure like you are about to poop, you need to let us know right away. That means he is coming whether your doctor is here or not." Got it. About 10 minutes later, the nurses have me do two practise pushes, i say "So about that pressure you told me to tell you about..." and then they say "I guess we should get your Doctor here! That little guy is just about to crown!" I'm really good at pushing...i guess...Uh, I'm sorry what did you say? Where is my doc? ONE HOUR LATER, my doctor gets there, i do two pushes and out comes baby Davis. Shew...What a day.

Matt's very first words when he saw him was "Check out that wingspan!" How sweet...

He's amazing...truly. Why didn't you mothers tell me it would be this awesome? ;)


Ally Wasmund said...

having your water break is the weirdest thing EVER. it's crazy how nervous and excited i got when it happened to me! i was shaking.

Katie Lane said...

Sounds scary, but that picture is adorable!

Laura said...

Can;t wait to hear the rest of the story! The picture is so cute :)

SE x

Unknown said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Congratulations! I am so happy for you. The baby looks delightful. Is that you in the picture? You look like you are 12 :) So young and adorable! When I have my first baby I will look SO old they will think I am the grandma : ) Popping over from SITS and SO glad I did! This was AWESOME!

John Deere Mom said...

Can't wait to read the rest...good luck adjusting to being a mommy!